Charaudeau, Patric. Les médias et l'information: l'impossible transparence du discours. 2nd. éd. rev et augm.


  • Brunella Longo Information Management Adviser



Media and information literacy, Media and cultural studies


In this scholarly review of the last edition of "Les médias et l'information" Brunella Longo tracks back the evolution of Patric Charadeau's  theory of media communication and suggests the work should be considered a companion of other fundamental handbooks and essays about media and information literacy. The analysis addresses aspects interesting both media and cultural studies and practitioners practices. 


Author Biography

  • Brunella Longo, Information Management Adviser

    Brunella Longo is an Independent Scholar and Information Management Adviser with a peculiar expertise in design, startup and project management of innovative information services both in the public and in the private sectors. Brunella previously worked for 13 years as an employee in library, documentation and intelligence roles before she started up in 1995 her first consultancy and training business in Milan (Italy) supporting internet, digital, bibliographic and e-learning projects. In 2011, after several charitable activities that kept her busy for two years, she re-started her consultancy in London where she found further motivations to investigate cybersecurity and media and information literacies. Brunella is author of three books and many articles, training materials and conference speeches on information management issues. Contact details at





Book reviews

How to Cite

Longo, B. (2012). Charaudeau, Patric. Les médias et l’information: l’impossible transparence du discours. 2nd. éd. rev et augm. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries, 22(3), 258-262.