Training for Preservation Management
In August 1997 the first of a series of summer schools in Preservation Management was held at the Archivschule in Marburg (Germany). The school was organised by the ECPA, the LIBER Division on Preservation, ICA and the Archivschule itself and was aimed at archivists and librarians in management positions from European institutions. It dealt with managerial, organisational and financial aspects of preservation and required active participation by those attending. Apart from introductory sessions by the teaching staff at the Archivschule, a large part of the course took the form of working groups, discussions, assignments and role play, to which participants were expected to take their own experience and problems. The school was conducted in German. Topics, spread over five days, ranged from preservation in the context of the core activities of libraries and archives; planning of preservation projects; general management issues, such as resource management, budgeting, priority setting, communication and effecting change; to more detailed considerations of day-to-day issues, such as storage, disaster control, microfilming and digitising, mass conservation processes, and moulds and fungi.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 1999 Mirjam M. Foot

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
How to Cite
Foot, M. M. (1999). Training for Preservation Management. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries, 9(3), 340-342.