
Appendix 1: Liber ELP Leadership Webinar Survey

Please help us understand more about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your library leadership team’s current and future plans, strategies and values:

  1. What are the main challenges and advantages of using online tools to communicate?

  2. Can you give one or more examples of techniques/methods you used to communicate with your staff during the pandemic crisis?

  1. Are your library’s strategic goals still broadly relevant and fit for purpose? X Yes X No X Don’t know If not, why not?

  2. Can you give one or more examples of how existing strategies influenced your research library’s responses to the coronavirus crisis?

  1. Can you give one or more examples of how your library’s values are promoted and communicated through library strategy?

  2. Can you also give one or more examples of how the crisis challenged the library’s strategies in upholding some of these values?

What to keep from COVID-19 changes?
  1. What two or three Covid-19 changes would you like to keep related to staff/human resources in the library?

  2. What two or three Covid-19 changes would you like to keep related to digital in the library?

  3. What two or three Covid-19 changes would you like to keep related to physical spaces in the library?