
1 Of the 44% found by Briney et al. (2015) two-thirds concerned stand-alone data policies, and one third intellectual property policies mentioning data. Note also that this analysis covered 206 universities from the 2014 Carnegie list of universities with research activity classified as ‘high’ or ‘very high’. Tenopir et al. (2017) surveyed 109 European university libraries (LIBER members) from 22 countries.

2 Data Management Support is a collaborative effort between the Library, the IT department, Document Management & Logistics, and Corporate Governance & Legal Services at Wageningen University & Research.

3 At the time of writing, the policy has not been officially approved yet. For this reason, the guidelines provided here are general. Once approved and established, the policy will appear on the website of Wageningen University & Research: http:// .

4 These are: open (may be accessed by everybody), internal (may be accessed by students and staff from Wageningen University & Research), confidential (may be accessed by a closed group), and secret (may be accessed by a select number of individuals, often data that is sensitive or has commercial value).