Appendix A: Sample interview questions

  1. Can you tell me about any challenges you or the library have faced in making decisions about the library’s services? Can you identify any evidence that might have helped resolve the challenge?

  2. Does the library regularly produce or revise a strategic plan, its goals and objectives? If so, can you tell how the library does this? If not, can you tell me why?

  3. Can you tell me about any processes or evidence that is collected and analysed to evaluate:

    • The library’s services and programs?

    • The collections?

    • The achievement of the library’s goals and objectives?

  4. Are there any routine or regular processes in place to collect evidence related to the library’s services and programs? If so, can you describe them?

  5. Are there any routine or regular processes in place to analyse and report on the library’s services and programs? If so, can you describe them? (e.g. reporting schedule)

  6. How does the library communicate its performance, value and impact to its stakeholders? Do you think this is an area where the library could improve?

  7. What does evidence based practice mean:

    • to you?

    • to the library?

  8. What is ‘evidence’?

  9. What potential benefits do you think evidence based practice has, or can have, to your library?

  10. How confident do you feel the library can, or is operating in an evidence based way? How do you think the library can improve in being evidence based?