
1 For details see

2 For an overview on the Open-Access-Tage since 2007, see

3 See for details the session of Bargheer, M., Schöpfel, J., Oßwald, A., Orth, A., & Reschke, E. (2014): “Qualifizierung für Open Access in Studium und Beruf (Workshop)“ at OAT 2014. Open Access Tage, 8.-9. September 2014, Köln (

4 A presentation of preliminary findings was given by the authors at OAT 15, Zürich – see Jacquemin, Oßwald and Schöpfel (2015).

5 Referring to the number of presentations given at the OAT conferences these are— among others—the university libraries in Göttingen, Berlin, Saarland, Hanover, Konstanz, and Karlsruhe as well as the Max Planck Digital Library located at Munich, the library of the Research Center Jülich, the German National Library of Economics in Hamburg and Kiel and the OA-department of the Helmholtz Association.

6 See the project’s website at

7 See the integrated service at .

8 See and its ongoing development with at present 80 m entries in the database.

9 E.g. DiPP (Digital Peer Publishing; ) was a funding initiative of the Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of North-Rhine Westfalia setting up an organisational and technical environment for publishing golden ejournals. A licensing agreement quite similar to Creative Commons was developed within DiPP (see ). Since 2003 this initiative has funded OA activities which have received organisational and technical support by hbz (Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen).



12 At the end of 2015, the most relevant OA repository of presentations given at LIS conferences in Germany, the OPUS-Publikationsserver ( shows 72 documents with the keyword “open access” in connection with the national conventions of the German library associations for the years 2001 to 2015. In none of them qualification for OA was a main topic. By browsing in the documents of the “OPUS-Publikationsserver” (the repository run with the software OPUS) a category “Ausbildung, Fortbildung, Beruf, Berufsethik” (education, CPE, profession, professional ethics) is offered referencing to 148 documents. None of them includes the keyword “open access” or “open”. Keywords are provided by the authors themselves.

13 See and for further information.

14 Searches have been executed in E-LIS, ERIC, Google (scholar) and within the websites of the Open Access Weeks.

15 .

16 Among them are – in alphabetic sequence of the city names – the following six bodies: “Weiterbildungszentrum der Freien Universität Berlin” http:// ); “Initiative Fortbildung für wissenschaftliche Spezialbibliotheken und verwandte Einrichtungen e.V., Berlin (; „Zentrum für Aus- und Fortbildung der der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek“, Hannover ( ); Zentrum für Bibliotheks-und Informationswissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZBIW),TH Köln, ( ); „Bibliothekarische Fortbildung in Bayern“, München ( ); Berufsverband Information Bibliothek e.V., Reutlingen ( Bibliothekarische Fortbildung in Bayern did not offer CPE regarding OA during the period under focus but provided CPE before and after the period.

17 Some of the events have been organized by two subdivisions of BIB (see previous footnote). Figure 1 indicates the regional subdivisions.

18 “Open Access – eine Einführung und ein Überblick” (1 Tag); “Open Access in geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunftsaussichten” (2 Tage); “Bibliotheken widerstehen den Stürmen des Urheberrechts – Prozesse, Plagiate und Piratenkämpfer” (1 Tag); “Open Access und Urheberrecht in der Wissenschaft” (1/2 Tag); “Das ‘dritte Körbchen’—neue Regelungen im Urheberrecht” (1 Tag); “Leicht(er) gemacht: Urheberrecht und Informationskompetenz” (1 Tag); “Bibliotheken als Akteurinnen des Open Access” (Vortrag); “Peer Review als Messlatte für Open Access: Ein Netzwerk-Modell” (Vortrag); “Förderung von Open Access-Publizieren am KIT” (90 Min); “Coffee-Lectures” (10 Min) and finally topics of OA as part of other CPE events, e.g. regarding licences, publication services.

19 Until now, every 3rd year the national conference of the library organisations takes place in Leipzig. Organizing bodies are Bibliothek Information Deutschland (BID; ), Berufsverband Bibliothek Information (BIB; ) and VDB—Verein Deutscher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare ( ). The “Bibliothekartag” is organized by BIB and VDB only.

20 This study has been realized in 2015 by Martin Lucht within the program “Master in Library and Information Science” (for details see: at TH Köln. The study has not been published yet.

21 The exact numbers for 2013/2014/2015 are: OA in general: 7/12/19/38; research data: 5/5/13/23; repositories: 2/3/5/10; per year: 14/20/37/71.

22 Some specialised conferences like for e.g. WissKom 2016, a conference organised by the Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich, reinforce this role of conferences on the national level by focussing on certain aspects of OA in their program. For details see

23 See