
Peter te Boekhorst & Ulrike Scholle

"The thieves are out there; they are going after your precious collections; they are often well organized - and libraries should be, too!"

On the initiative of Erland Kolding Nielsen experts on library security met in Kopenhagen to discuss recent developments in the field. Cases from various European libraries are described in detail. They illustrate the astonishing amount of criminal energy with which the thieves try to achieve their aims. Many libraries have already begun to improve their measures to safeguard their valuable collections, but for an effective defence against criminals international co-operation is needed. The "Copenhagen Principles" published in this issue present a framework for a security network among European libraries.

A second group of articles deals with preservation policies in Finland, France, and Germany. The topic is of utmost importance. To what extent libraries will succeed in fulfilling their function as storage houses of the society's collective memory depends on the existence of a national preservation policy. It remains to be seen how fast other European countries will act accordingly.

The last section of the issue contains three articles on mentoring, the establishment of an online environment supporting teaching and research at the University of London Library, as well as a new library building at the University of Geneva.

The editors would like to thank the numerous colleagues from all over Europe they had the pleasure to work with in the last five years, especially the members of the Executive Board. We wish the new editor, Trix Bakker from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, success for her new task.

LIBER Quarterly, Volume 12 (2002), No. 4