Library Network Statistics and Performance Measures: Approaches and Issues

John Carlo Bertot


Library networked statistics and performance measures are important indicators of the use, uses, and users of networked services that libraries offer their patrons. Access to data that identify what networked services are being used by whom and when can:

Individually, these factors provide libraries with the ability to incorporate network usage data into key decision making processes and planning activities. Together, through a systematic approach to the collection and reporting of library network statistics on a local, regional, national, and international scale, these factors provide significant data regarding use and usage trends throughout libraries that inform policy makers, researchers, and library professionals as to what types of network activities are occurring in libraries and how those uses can lead to library role changes in the networked environment.


With the assistance of a 1998 National Leadership Grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the author (and others) conducted a study to develop national (United States) public library network statistics and performance measures. Through this study, the author developed, defined, and field-tested a series of public library network statistics and performance measures for ultimate collection at the national level (see Figure 1). Overall, the statistics and measures developed in this study provide the means to track various public library networking capabilities and activities such as the type and level of Internet connection; types, public access workstations; available network-based services, such as databases, online reference, and web-based services (e.g., digital libraries); and staff and user instruction.

Upon completion of the network statistics and performance measure project, the author (and others) received a 2000 National Leadership Grant from IMLS to assess the feasibility of and develop a national model for collecting public library network statistics and performance measures. Partners in the current study include the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Based on the project findings and model field test (discussed in more depth below), the researchers will recommend to IMLS, the public library community, state library administrators, and others, possible approaches to the collection of public library network statistics on a national scale. These recommendations will be included in the final project report to IMLS in May 2002.

At present, the author (and others) is also involved in the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) E-metrics project. This project, begun in July 2000, seeks to identify, define, and standardize a set of network statistics and performance measures for ARL libraries. The intent is to develop a core set of network statistics and performance measures through which ARL libraries can manage their networked resources and services, plan future network resources and services, and benchmark themselves against other ARL libraries. In ad-dition, the project seeks to provide network statistics and performance measures in an outcomes-based context. The project completed field-testing a set of network statistics and performance measures in June 2001.3

This article focuses on three efforts to develop and standardize library network statistics and performance measures. In particular, the article discusses, compares, and contrasts selected aspects of the International Standards Organization (ISO), U.S. public library network statistics, and Association of Research Library (ARL) efforts. The three approaches attempt to capture, describe, and present library networked activities in similar ways through similar approaches – yet they differ in key areas. It is important to note that there are a number of national and international efforts underway that continue to research the library network statistics and performance measure environment. This article summarizes, but does not review, selected efforts presented in Figure 2.


There are a number of network statistics and performance measurement development, collection, and reporting issues that require resolution (Bertot, McClure, and Ryan, 2000). Among these issues are the:

These issues, at a minimum, require attention and an acceptable level of resolution for it to be possible to develop and collect national and international library network statistics and performance measures.

Figure 1. Public Library Network Statistics.
Proposed National Statistic Definition
Public Access Workstations
Number of public access workstations Annual count of the number of library owned public access graphical workstations that connect to the Internet for a dedicated purpose (to access an OPAC or specific database) or multiple-purposes.
Number of public access workstation users Annual count of the number of users of all of the library’s graphical public access workstations connected to the Internet computed from a one week sample.
Maximum speed of public access Internet workstations Indication of the maximum bandwidth of public Internet access, e.g., less than 56kbps, 56kbps, 128kbps, 1.5mbps, etc.
Number of full text titles available by subscription. Report: Serial titles, Other titles, Total titles Count of the number of full text titles that the library subscribes and offers to the public computed one time annually.
Number of database sessions Total count of the number of sessions (log-ins) initiated to the online databases. Definition adapted from proposed ICOLC standard4
Number of database queries/searches Total count of the number of searches conducted in the library’s online databases. Subsequent activities by users (e.g., browsing, printing) are not considered part of the search process. Definition adapted from proposed ICOLC standard5
Number of items examined using subscription services Count the number views to each entire host to which the library subscribes. A view is defined as the number of full text articles/pages, abstracts, citations, and text only, text/graphics viewed. Definition adapted from proposed ICOLC standard6
Electronic Services
Number of virtual reference transactionsAnnual count of the number of reference transactions using the Internet. A transaction must include a question received electronically (e.g., via e-mail, WWW form, etc.) and responded to electronically (e.g., e-mail).
Public service time spent servicing information technology.
Report: Information technology staff, Paid public service staff
(Professional Librarian, Paraprofessional), Volunteer, & Total
Annual count of the staff hours spent in servicing information technology resource and service activity in public service areas computed based on a one week sample.
Virtual Visits
Number of virtual visits to networked library resources.
Report: number of internal virtual visits, number of external virtual visits, number of total virtual visits
Count of visits to the library via the Internet. A visit occurs when an external user connects to a networked library resource for any length of time or purpose (regardless of the number of pages or elements viewed). Examples of a networked library resource include a library OPAC or a library web page. In the case of a user visit to a library web site a user who looks at 16 pages and 54 graphic images registers one visit on the Web server.
User information technology instruction.
Report: number of users instructed, number of hours of instruction
A Count of the number of users instructed andthe hours of instruction offered in the use of information technology or resources obtainable using information technology in structured, informal, and electronically delivered instruction sessions conducted or sponsored by the library.
Staff information technology instruction.
Report: number of staff instructed, number of hours of staff instruction
Annual count of the total number of staff instructed and the number of hours of formal instruction in the management or use of information technology or resources obtainable using information technology.

Figure 2. Selected Network Statistics and Performance Measure Initiatives.
Initiative Description
International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) ICOLC is an international coalition of predominantly research libraries (some of which are sponsors of the ARL e-metrics project) interested in pursuing standard network statistics and reporting systems regarding database vendor data. ICOLC first published its proposed standards and definitions in November 1998 and is currently considering revisions to those standards.7
International Standards Organization (ISO) Through the ISO Technical Committee 46 (Information and Documentation), subcommittee 08 (Statistics and Performance Evaluation) members of ISO have been revising both general library statistic standards and incorporating network statistics and performance measures into the statistical data collection efforts of participating libraries (multi-type). As of July 2001, the U.S., through NISO, rejoined the ISO effort after a one-year absence. Recent balloting efforts resulted in the passage of the proposed ISO library statistics (document ISO/DIS 2789) although a number of voting members provided substantial comments on the statistics.8
European Community-sponsored Equinox project The Equinox project focused on developing library performance and quality measures. In particular, the project aimed to further develop existing international agreement on performance measures for libraries for the electronic library environment as well as develop and test an integrated quality management and performance measurement tool for library managers. The project identified a number of performance indicators that, in some cases, have been integrated into the ISO library statistics initiative.9
LibEcon project A European initiative, LibEcon focuses on the collection of economic and other library-related data from predominantly European libraries. For its Millennium Study, the survey incorporated selected network statistics developed by the IMLS study as well as ISO activities.10
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) initiative CLIR investigated the issues surrounding network statistics primarily from an online database data perspective. Theinitial study, conducted during 1999 and 2000, resulted in the publication of a white paper entitled White Paper on Electronic Journal Usage Statistics. It is the understanding of the study team that the work begun through this effort continues.11
Publisher and Libraries Solution Committee (PALS). This recent initiative, operating through the auspices of theJoint Information Systems Committee (JISC), is exploring the data needs of libraries from publisher provided online usage statistics. A Vendor-based usage statistics working group has been developed to explore the issues involved re-garding online vendor statistics in a more in-depth fashion. This group met in June 2001 in the United Kingdom to pursue further network statistics needs of libraries from vendors. Study team members are in contact with this group.12
Association of Research Libraries (ARL) E-Metrics Beginning in July 2000, this project seeks to identify, define, and standardize a set of network statistics and performance measures for ARL libraries. The intent is to develop a core set of network statistics and performance measures through which ARL libraries can manage their networked resources and services, plan future network resources and services, and benchmark themselves against other ARL libraries. In addition, the project seeks to provide network statistics and performance measures in an outcomes-based context.13
Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, National Information Standards Organization. These organizations are working together on a number of initiatives that include the development and adoption of network statistics for U.S. public libraries, the development and implementation of a national data collection model for U.S. public library network statistics14, the adoption of standard terminology, definitions, and reporting of database vendor statistics15, the revision of U.S. library statistics standards (NISO Z39.716) to include network statistics and performance measures, and the adoption of international standards for both library statistics in general and network statistics in particular.

Figure 3: Capturing an Online Database Session.


Although there are a number of efforts to develop library network statistics and performance measures (see Figure 2), at their core these efforts seek to understand the use, uses, and impacts of library networked services on the libraries that provide them as well as the communities that they serve. These efforts, at least in part, also attempt to provide libraries with a means through which to benchmark their networked services within and across libraries. In essence, these efforts seek to provide the answer to a series of critical questions:

The network statistics efforts described in this article provide a first step towards trying to answer this key questions. They do not, however, provide all the answers and, in many cases, the answers will only come with the adoption of these statistics and measures into general library planning, evaluation, and decision-making efforts.

The ISO, U.S. Public Library, and ARL Efforts

Together, the ISO, U.S. Public Library, and ARL network statistics and performance measure efforts represent key research activities in the development of library network statistics and performance measures. While the U.S. Public Library and ARL efforts are limited to single library types (public library and ARL academic library members, respectively), the ISO effort crosses library types.

A comparative discussion of all aspects of the initiatives is beyond the scope of this article. Thus, this section concentrates on the difference in approaches to measuring similar library networked services and resources that the projects take. As Figure 4 demonstrates, there are subtle differences in approaches to similar network statistics definitions and measurement that make the definitions incompatible. The statistics also demonstrate different emphasis on the types of library services and resources use and uses that libraries desire to capture.

For example:

Figure 4. Comparing Online Database Network Statistics.
US Public Library ARL ISO
Sessions Total count of the number of sessions (logins) initiated to online databases. Total count of the number of sessions (log-ins) initiated to online databases. An established connection to an electronic service.
Rejected Sessions Optional An unsuccessful log-in to an electronic service. Includes exceeding simultaneous user limit and service outage situations.An unsuccessful log-in to an electronic service by exceeding the simultaneous user limit. Excludes incorrect passwords.
Documents or records viewed Items Examined: Number of full-text articles/pages, abstracts, citations, text/graphics viewed. Includes save, e-mail, print actions.Similar to Items Examined, but with distinctions for abstracts, full text, citations. Includes users actions such as save, e-mail, print. Full text of a digital document or electronic resource uploaded, or any catalogue record or database entry fully displayed during a search.
Connect time N/A N/A The period between a log-in to and log-off from an electronic service.
Number of queries Total count of the number of searches conducted in the library’s online databases. Total count of the number of searches conducted in the library’s online databases.N/A
Number of full text titles available by subscription Number of full text titles that the library subscribes and offers to the public (annual). Number of full text titles hosted by the library (annual). N/A
User location
1.In-facility (includes all service facilities)
2.Outside library, but inside the institution (pop served)
3. Remote
1.Inside the library
2. Outside library, but inside the institution (pop served)
3. Outside the institution (remote, pop served)

A detailed comparison of all proposed network statistics across the three efforts would provide additional differences. The above, however, serve as ex-amples of differing contexts, emphasis, and philosophy.

Reconciling the Differences

Reconciling the different approaches, definitions, and approaches to measuring library network services and resources will require collaboration and cross-fertilization of the efforts. Fortunately, the U.S.-based National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has rejoined the ISO library statistics effort after a near two-year absence. U.S. delegates to the ISO Technical Committee 46 (Information and Documentation), subcommittee 08 (Statistics and Performance Evaluation) include representatives from both the U.S public library and ARL communities.

In addition, the U.S., though NISO, is undertaking a revision to its Z39.7 Library Statistics standard. It is clear that these efforts – the ISO TC46/SC08 and NISO Z39.7 – need to adopt standard definitions, language, and approach where possible. There will be differences in emphasis of service and resource measurement that necessarily reflect differing contexts. This is to be encouraged so as to encourage relevant and meaningful measures to the represented communities. It would be unfortunate and counterproductive, however, to travel separate routes for statistics that are quite similar in intent and definition. In the case of online database vendor statistics, the implications of different standards could be quite problematic as it would require vendors to have multiple use data capturing and reporting mechanisms that may be in-compatible.


There are a series of next steps on both the U.S and international fronts that bear mention here:

Regardless of how these efforts progress – preferably in tandem – there are a number of issues that require consideration by the library community at large regarding the development, collection, and reporting of network statistics and performance measures. These issues are discussed below.


When considering library network statistics and performance measures, there are a number of considerations for libraries, administrators, policy makers, and researchers:

These issues point to the need for additional understanding of the network resources and services measurement environment, agreement on the scope and intent of library network statistics and performance measures, and the ex-ploration of the extent to which there is a core set of library network statistics that cut across libraries regardless of library type. The issues raised also indicate a need for libraries to enhance librarian technical, evaluation, planning, and methodological skills to better engage in evaluation activities in general and the networked environment in particular.


The author wishes to acknowledge the research efforts of Charles R. McClure, Joe Ryan, Denise Davis, Wonsik „Jeff” Shim, and Bruce Fraser on portions of the various research initiatives discussed in this article.


Bertot, J.C., McClure, C.R., and Ryan, J.: Statistics and Performance Measures for Public Library Networked Services. - Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2001.

Bertot, J.C., McClure, C.R., and Ryan, J.: „Developing National Library Network Statistics and Performance Measures for U.S. Public Libraries: Issues, Findings, and Recommendations.“ -In: Performance Measurement and Metrics: The International Journal for Library and Information Services, 1,1 (2000), pp. 15-42.

Lakos, A.: ”The missing ingredient – culture of assessment in libraries.” - In: Performance Measurement and Metrics: The International Journal for Library and In-formation Services, 1,1 (1999), pp. 3-7.

Library Research Service. (1995). Circulation statistics: What’s excluded? Fast facts: Recent statistics from the Library Research Service, 3/1.0.10/, no. 96 (feb 23).

Shim, W. „Jeff” et al.: Measures and statistics for academic networked services: Procedures and issues. - Washington, D.C.: Association for Research Libraries. Forthcoming.



3. Additional information on the project and statistics is available at





8. Additional information on this and other ISO efforts are available at

9. Additional information on the Equinox project is available at http://

10. Additional information on LibEcon is available at

11. Additional information on this initiative is available at

12. Additional information at:

13. Additional information on the project is available at: stats/newmeas/emetrics/index.html.




LIBER Quarterly, Volume 11 (2001), 224-243, No. 3