Elements of a Preservation Policy

Mirjam J. Foot

I 1 Definitions (e.g. of preservation, conservation, surrogating)
2 Mission Statement or Strategic Objectives of the Library
3Strategic Objectives for preservation of the collection
(policy principles, including a statement on cooperation, where appropriate)
4Needs assessment
5Retention Statement - (or link to separate retention policy);
   possible link to collection development policy
6Security Statement - (or link to separate security policy)
7Link to Storage policy -
    Statement of (desired) environmental conditions or
    reference to relevant national/international standard
8Link to Access policy -
    Guidelines for access; guidelines for handling of material
    (to cover e.g. reading room access, access for loan, reprography, exhibitions)
9 Statement of preservation philosophy (preventive preservation balanced with active conservation)
10Surrogating or substitution policy
IIaSelection for preservation
- based on priority setting according to:
   • objectives of the library
   • retention policy
   • significance/value/rarity of material
   • amount and kind of usage
   • physical condition
bBudgeting for preservation
   • resources needed
   • resources available
c Education and Training of:
   • all library staff
   • conservation and preservation staff
   • users
dRisk assessment and risk management
eDisaster control
f Policy for, or statement on, research and development
-   Standards and benchmarks
-   Types of material (e.g. paper vellum, bound, unbound, manuscript,
    print, newsprint, art on paper, scrolls, seals, etc.)
-  Non-print media (e.g. film, photographs, audio-visual material,
    electronic material, etc.)
hStatement of responsibility
(including reviews, implementation and monitoring)

Dr. Mirjam M. Foot
British Library
Collections and Preservation
96 Euston Road
NW1 2DB London, England

LIBER Quarterly, Volume 9 (1999), 327-328, No. 3